If I were to be truthful, the title of this show would be "Three Andalusians and a Dog Eater." But because I'm not interested in telling "the truth," let's just pretend that I am also from Andalusia. After all, I did live there for three-and-a-half years; I returned to the United States rather recently, in 1999. By the way, Un Chien Andalou, the infamous movie made by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali, never took place in Andalusia, there were no Andalusians or Andalusian actors in it, nor was it a story about a dog. Being less truthful would be in keeping with Spanish surrealism's twisted logic. What the movie is notorious for is the scene depicting what some consider the most violent act committed against the eye in film history. I hope the works included in this show attack the visual senses in a positive and liberating way.

My residence in Seville was short but fruitful. I met many brilliant artists, three of whom inspired me a great deal; they have influenced countless others working in Spain. Those three are Curro Gonzalez, Chema Cobo, and Patricio Cabrera. Chema has been actively exhibiting his work in Spain since the 1970s, Curro and Patricio since the 1980s. All three painters have established careers in their native country, so I am by no means trying to organize a show featuring a new trend in Spanish art or a survey of Andalusian artists. I have noticed, however, that only a very small number of Spanish artists are widely known in the U.S. and internationally. This exhibition is my attempt to broaden an appreciation of Spanish painters, with a focus on the province I love the most.

-Manuel Ocampo